Biopharming Industry


In a country with dense labor, sitting behind a desk all day just isn’t going to get the job done. From commercial kitchens and retail spaces to manufacturing floors, hospitals and laboratories, countless workplaces are full of employees who work on their feet. Whether they spend that time standing in one place or crisscrossing a shop floor, they can benefit from anti-fatigue floor mats that help reduce physical strain.

Anti Fatigue Mats are safety mats manufactured with a small percentage of rubber, which gives them their durability. They are designed to cater for light duty workshops and environments.

How does Anti Fatigue Matting work? Anti-fatigue matting works by promoting regular foot movement. The simple, subtle effect of regular movement of feet on a cushioned mat surface helps to enhance blood circulation. Standing for prolonged periods has been associated with certain health risks, particularly musculoskeletal problems.
